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Age: 76
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Post subject: Ex-Muslims, Hindus & Non-Muslims Are Lovers of Hadith & Tafsirs Reply with quote  

I have noticed that most Ex-Muslims, Hindus and non-Muslims at Ali Sina's FFI Cesspool and other forums, are lovers of Hadith, Seerah and Tafsirs.

The Ignorant Fools and Goons love it more than the Muslims.

An ex-Muslim of FFI asked me on another site:

EM wrote:

Since you do not believe in Sira, Hadises, and whatever there is, how do you interpret the Koran in its correct context?

And I replied:

"Very easy.

For example, the verse says, "Your LORD is only one LORD", I understand that and I do not need a Tafsir, Hadith or Seerah to understand that.

If the verse says, "Believers, do not take the Jews and Christians as your sincere friends", I know that it was being addressed to those Jews and the Christians, who were collaborating with the pagan Meccans against the new Muslims, back in those days.

And basing on that experience, I will also never accept you as my sincere friend because your are more sincere to polemic non-Muslim hate-bags. Hysterical

So, you can see how easy it is to understand Qur'aan, if one really wants to.

You can see that I did not use any Tafsir or Hadith or Seerah to explain above.

Hope this helped."
Post Posted:
Thu 21 Oct, 2010 6:58 pm
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Post subject: Oneness, a Christian Fabrication Reply with quote  

A Christian poster wrote to a Jewish poster:

"Well sonny boy! You claiming to be all knowing Explain the oneness of GOD? Show us how smart and intelligent you are? LOL!


My reply, just for knowledge:

"Christians came up with this absurdity known as Oneness.

Google the word and it will take you to Christian sites.

There is no such thing as oneness of God. Oneness is a Christian doctrine.

Oneness is ABSURD!

Did you see any Jewish sages discussing oneness of God? lol! Oneness is a Christian thingy?"

Post Posted:
Thu 21 Oct, 2010 7:02 pm
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Post subject: Oneness, a Christian Fabrication Reply with quote  

And came in the reply from the Oneness Crazy:


Your wacko! If GOD is one then the term oneness of GOD must apply to Him. In explaing GOD in the simple term GOD is one is the explaination of man. For man is one. In the term-man is created in the image of GOD implies that GOD is a man. But GOD is not a man! So your simple term that GOD is one does not apply to that simplistic term.

So you are not allowing GOD to be GOD, LO!

My Reply:

There is only One God.

Saying that God is one, just to justify the idiotic doctrine of ONENESS, created by confused megalomaniacs, is totally absurd!

If I say, "I have one apple", it means that I have an apple.

I don't have to say, "My apple is one" and then I start talking about the idiotic oneness of the apple.

This absurdity started just because some ignorant fools thought God, Jesus and the alleged Holy Spirit were each a God. So, they had to show the oneness.

Hence, the nonsense Doctrine of Oneness was concocted. Whatever spin you try to put, Oneness is absurd. The word itself is meaningless and it is a useless Christian concoction.

Post Posted:
Thu 21 Oct, 2010 7:07 pm
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Post subject: Ex-Muslims, Hindus & Non-Muslims Are Lovers of Hadith & Tafsirs Reply with quote  

Came in the following reply from the ex-Muslims:

EM wrote:

Your argument has two flaws concerning this verse:

5:51 - "O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is (one) of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk. "

1) It does not specify which Jews & Christians, therefore your interpretation of this verse is incorrect.

2) There isn't any evidence of Christian involvement with the enemies of Islam during the early years of animosity between Mohammad and the pagans. It was the Christian king of Abasynia (Negus, who provided assylum to the muslims during the years of persecution.

3) Neither tafsirs - Ibn Abbas or Jalalayn collaborate with what you are saying.

My reply:

My reasoning has no flaws.

What is so great about the tafsirs Ibn Abbas and Jalalayn.

There are dozens of of other tafsirs. Try reading them.

I have already explained without using a single tafisr.

My point is that one does not need TAFSIRS to understand the message of Qur'aan. One needs brain, common sense and some intelligence.

Post Posted:
Thu 21 Oct, 2010 7:11 pm
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Marital Rape is mainly an American concoction, which has also been accepted by the UK, France, Germany and some other EU countries.

We do not have marital rape in Islam and neither does any other religion has this absurdity known as Marital Rape.

It is fun to watch Western clowns accusing Muslims of "Marital Rape", when they know that the Marital Rape was created to protect Western women from their husbands, who were raping them, when the women were already estranged from their wife husbands.

This was my first response on the issue and here it is for knowledge:

Hello, Paralyzed American and Western minds

All of you are Drama Queens!

The so-called "raping of a wife" is a Western sickness. We don't have this sickness.

Your nation�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s shared values, including belief in gender equality and the right to self�??????�?????�????�???�??�?�­determination, have always been under threat from your own people.

Read this:

You guys lead the world in rapes and nations even if combined can not match you.

An extract from the site:


Somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2 minutes, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

In 1995, 354,670 women were the victims of a rape or sexual assault.(NationalCrime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, 1996.)

Over the last two years, more than 787,000 women were the victim of a rape or sexual assault.(National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S.Department of Justice, 1996.)

The FBI estimates that 72 of every 100,000 females in the United States wereraped last year.(Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Statistics, 1996.)


One of the most startling aspects of sex crimes is how many go unreported. The most common reasons given by women for not reporting these crimes are the belief that it is a private or personal matter and the fear of reprisal from the assailant.

Approximately 28% of victims are raped by husbands or boyfriends, 35% by acquaintances, and 5% by other relatives.(Violence against Women, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1994)

Post Posted:
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 11:26 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

After my above post, came in 1-3 liner responses from idiots and I wrote the next:

"@ All Paralyzed Western and American Minds.

It is too late now, so I will write a very nice post tomorrow for all of you Drama Queens and ignorant fools. lol!

Please stay tuned.

Good night
Post Posted:
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 11:28 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

And then I wrote this and please pardon me for my language, which was in response to the paralyzed filthy minds:

"Hope, this is not a double post.

Hello, Paralyzed American and Western minds

This post has been tailored exclusively for all Western goons, who have no real knowledge of any subject.

They harp what the Western Legal Circus comes up with and what the Western Media Circus reports.

I refer to my earlier post:

I had written that the so-called "raping of a wife" is a Western sickness. We don't have this sickness.

There was no such word as Marital Rape in the history of the English language.

There was no mention of Marital Rape in the Western Law.

The word was coined only in the early seventies in America.

The first marital rape case was made in 1978 in New Jersey, when a man was accused of raping his estranged wife.

Then came the concept that rape can exist in the context of marriage.

Before that case, the Law defined rape as forced sexual intercourse committed by a man against a woman, who was not his wife.

It is quite common in America to see men, whose wives have left their matrimonial home and stay at another place.

These ruthless drunkards and wretched men go under the pretext of visiting kids or to discuss other matters and rape their estranged wives. That is wrong.

The Bible has been used for centuries to tell women that it is their duty to satisfy her husband and please him.

If she does not do it now, the husband loses control and 'rapes' her.

And the man says, "What the fuck! If you can't rape your wife, who can you rape?", which is a crude joke in America!

So, most of such cases happen in the Western world.

Man: Honey, I am in the mood. I am feeling horny.

Woman: I am not in the mood, honey.

Man: Never mind, you just lie down and I will do it. You don't have to go on top.

Woman: I am not feeling well. My stitches after the delivery have still not come off.

Man: I don't care. What the fuck are you talking, B****?

Woman: I don't want. What if the stitches come loose?

Man: I will be gentle. Fuck you, B****.

And he forces himself upon her, does a quickie and goes to sleep. The brute has no regards for her. This is cruelty!

And the inconsiderate ruthless bugger keeps on doing that and has no respect and regards for his wife.

That falls under cruelty, which has recently been given the name as Marital Rape.

Women, who get raped by men, go through the trauma of rape.

When does a wife go through that particular trauma? She opened her legs hundreds of time to her husband willingly. Did she not?

And only after relationship turns sour, it becomes a marital rape! That is hilarious and laughable.

Husbands can not be accused of marital rape.

The term 'Marital Rape' has been coined and covered by Law only in the Seventies in America.

It is a new Law to protect estranged American wives or mistreated wives in the Western world, where the majority of barbaric men have no respect and no regard for their wives. Even the Bible failed to educate them on how to treat their wives.

It is a Western disease and the Western Cure is rightly applicable to Western freaks.

Hope this helped.

Now, you guys, the drama queens, can start writing your 1-3 liners. LMAO! "
Post Posted:
Fri 29 Oct, 2010 11:33 pm
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Post subject: yeezevee'S IDIOTIC POST at Ali Sina's FFI Cesspool Reply with quote

yeezevee, the Crayon Baby of FFI wrote:

Parables in Quran and Senseless meanings Muslims Extract Out Of Them

Religious scriptures are full of Parables & fables and Quran is no exception to that rule. Both narrate a simplified version of a story put in few words as a prose or verse and often supposed to illustrates a moral/religious lesson. In fact the word "Parables" appears in Quran in the following verses 13.017, 14.024, 14.025, 24.035, and 59.021 and there are many other verses in Quran that can be categorized as "parable". The difference between Fables and Parables is while parables generally feature human characters as an analogy to tell a story and set up a rule for the moral guidance of the followers; the fables use animals, plants, inanimate objects, and natural forces as characters. Here in this thread let us figure out Parables and fables and their uses to Humanity in particular to nominal Muslims and Muhammad following Muslims.

So let us start with verses that has the word "Parable" and explore rest of the Quran what I think are nothing more and nothing less that "Parables or metaphors"

Then the FFI goon quotes translation of the following verses and highlights his understanding with the crayons the baby uses.

013.017: He sends down water from the cloud, then watercourses flow (with water) according to their measure, and the torrent bears along the swelling foam, and from what they melt in the fire for the sake of making ornaments or apparatus arises a scum like it; thus does Allah compare truth and falsehood; then as for the scum, it passes away as a worthless thing; and as for that which profits the people, it tarries in the earth;thus does Allah set forth parables.[/quote]

014.024: Have you not considered how Allah sets forth a parable of a good word (being) like a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches are in heaven,

014.025: Yielding its fruit in every season by the permission of its Lord? And Allah sets forth parables for men that they may be mindful.

024.035: Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth; a likeness of His light is as a niche in which is a lamp, the lamp is in a glass, (and) the glass is as it were a brightly shining star, lit from a blessed olive-tree, neither eastern nor western, the oil whereof almost gives light though fire touch it not-- light upon light-- Allah guides to His light whom He pleases, and Allah sets forth parables for men, and Allah is Cognizant of all things.

059.021: Had We sent down this Quran on a mountain, you would certainly have seen it falling down, splitting asunder because of the fear of Allah, and We set forth these parables to men that they may reflect.

And then the silly poster writes:

So let us read such verses as above and figure out, how many verses out of those 6346 consists of such Parables and fables..

What the ignorant fool does not know is that it simply means the examples Allah gives to men in order to make them reflect and understand.

Note: The yellow is the favorite color of the Crayon baby. Rofl
Post Posted:
Tue 02 Nov, 2010 11:35 pm
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Post subject: Just for information Reply with quote  

Enjoy reading this and the advice given by Ali Sina, the bigot:


Believe it or not, this clown yeezevee is definitely the megalomaniac Ali Sina writing himself under a different nick.

The multi-nicker is notoriously famous for writing emails to himself. Rofl
Post Posted:
Wed 03 Nov, 2010 6:16 pm
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Post subject: The Cat's New Thread at FFI Reply with quote  

Hello, Ahmed

I saw the new topic started by The Cat at FFI.

All of the FFI goons are now hounding The Cat. Good to see you writing there.

Skynightblaze Ibne Dickless Lord Shiva feels totally pissed off. Rofl
Post Posted:
Fri 05 Nov, 2010 4:57 pm
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Post subject: M Bin Lying of FFI Reply with quote  

I read the following note from the Pamperhead, the FFI Janitor:

This FFI goon writes and asks The Cat:

"Excuse me, clueless moron, but I will not even read the rest of your post until you explain why the entire Quran is written in first person format rather than third person narrative like almost the entire Bible is written in. Gee, you didn't think of THAT, did you you...genius."

Doesn't the ignorant fool know that his own Christian Bible, specially the New Testament was written by many men, long after Jesus was gone? That is why the NT was written in third person.

In Qur'aan, Allah was talking to Muhammad.

The insanity of the FFI goons amazes me.
Post Posted:
Fri 05 Nov, 2010 5:06 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Hello, Ahmed

I am glad you responded to another FFI goon, who goes by the name Wootah:

You wrote: "If I choose to face the issue, I will let your own bible proves to everyone that Jesus is not god nor the son of god nor he died for the sake of the sinful

Dare to do it, open a new thread and show me how Jesus is the way.

Yeh, taking Jesus as a god must be the way to hell."

I don't think this clown would dare. He knows you will demolish the polemic Christian. Challenge the fool to open a thread.

Post Posted:
Fri 05 Nov, 2010 5:13 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Hello, Ahmed

I refer to this from Zani, the new kid of FFI.

Zani wrote:
Going to sleep so soon mr bagget. Perhaps you may dream up an excuse for why Mose's mother believed in god before moses.

Can you please let this ignorant fool know that Moses' parents were Levites?

Here it is from his own Bible about Baby Moses' parents:

Exodus 2 (New Century Version)

Baby Moses

1 Now a man from the family of Levi married a woman who was also from the family of Levi. 2 She became pregnant and gave birth to a son.

They were Hebrews, who believed in the God of Abraham.

If they were not believers, there would not have been any need to rescue the Hebrews by sending Moses. Rofl
Post Posted:
Fri 05 Nov, 2010 6:43 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Hi all,

An FFI goon wrote to me on another site:

You fcking bastard muslim....Have you decided who was put on the Cross and how he got off the Cross alive when Muslim ISA was told to hide by Allah before the Crucifixion.

I wrote back:

Yes, I have already decided and I believe it was Jesus Barabbas (Jesus son of Abba), who was crucified and the real Jesus was released and he ran away to safety.

Think hard for a moment about the name Jesus Bar Abbas. Which Jew had a name like that?

This name was a concocted name. No Jew ever had this kind of name.

So, this fake Jesus, the Son of God, i.e. Jesus Barabbas, the murderer, robber, etc., was killed to show that Jesus had been crucified and the crowd was pacified.

That was Pilate's plan.

Do you remember my earlier posts on the well-managed stage show that was conducted by Pilate in collaboration with the San Hedrin?

That is why Jesus never went back and faced the San Hedrin and Pilate. That is also the reason that Jesus could not say that he had been resurrected.

Because, if he had said to them that he had been resurrected, they would have laughed at him and would have said, "Look! We were the ones, who helped you escape! Haha!"

Cheers, Asshole! Put your head back into your arse!
Post Posted:
Mon 08 Nov, 2010 5:14 am
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Post subject: The Cat has completely demolished skynightblaze bin Huraiarah Reply with quote  

Hello, Ahmed

Enjoyed reading The Cat's final and crushing blow to the Ignorant Fool skynightnoblaze:

And thanks for your post letting everyone know, where did the Hadith Collectors come from and why?

Shows some big conspiracy, mate.

Salaams & Good night
Post Posted:
Mon 08 Nov, 2010 5:36 am
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