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Post subject: The Boys Reply with quote  

Hello all

I would like to share the following horrific story with you, it is a rape/murder case that happned in Australia about 20 years ago, my note though that according to the Quran the perpetrators of this horrific crime should be killed or have a hand and the opposite a leg chopped off, this is because they strive to make mischief in the land, please be aware that this true story is very graphic:
The events of Anita Cobby's murder were the basis for the Australian Film The Boys, however the crime could never be dramatised on television. The murder may not be the most internationally well-known case but it is, by many standards, the worst in Australia's criminal history.

Since Anita's murder, we have suffered the terror of the massacre at Port Arthur by Martin Bryant in 1996, where the single lone gunman killed 35 people, injuring many others, and even shot at ambulance and police who attempted to help the dying and injured. Many of us sat and watched most of the ensuing standoff live on television as our American counterparts would do for the OJ slow-motion car chase.

We also kept watching as each of the hitch-hikers' bodies were found in Belanglo State Forest in 1994. When they arrested Ivan Milat, I was shocked to learn that his house is in my own suburb. So close yet so far. I probably bumped into him at the local supermarket and didn't know it.

Yet if you asked anyone on the street what was the most heinous crime in Australia's recent history, many would say the gang rape, torture and murder of Anita Cobby.

Anita Cobby
Anita Cobby was born Anita Lorraine Lynch at 11.30 on November 2, 1959. Her family life was far removed from that of her murderers. She was the daughter of Grace and Garry Lynch and a sister to Kathryn. Anita enjoyed her school life and later surprised her mother, a nursing sister, when she also decided to become a nurse.

The family was a close and loving unit. Garry purchased a boat and named it after the two girls, Katani, in which they would spend many summers together. Both of the girls grew up as fine young ladies. A picture of Anita winning the Miss Western Suburbs title in 1979 is a readily recognised one. However, the win gave Anita the confidence to do what ever she wanted.

John Travers
John Travers was definitely the leader of the gang of boys. Trouble seemed to follow Travers all his life and by the time he and Michael Murphy were caught with drugs at the age of thirteen, he was already a seasoned drug user and criminal. But as time went on, the drug charge would turn out to be the least of their crimes together. By then he was a seasoned user.

The boys, John Travers and his mates, lived in Government Department Housing in the low socio-economic environment of Blacktown. Employment was low and single parent families were a high occurrence. Education was not encouraged by some. The boys were very rarely seen at school, spending their youth causing trouble and getting hauled in to the police station on many occasions.

John Travers laughed in the face of authority, was expelled from Shalvey High and asked to leave another after causing trouble for students. He spent a year at the juvenile detention centre Boys Town after being committed by his mother, Sharon Travers. She reasoned that Travers' problem was caused by being around the wrong people. However, most would later say he was the evil influence on others.

His life after Boys Town was worse and he began drinking. At the tender age of 14, Travers would drink a bottle of whiskey as well as any other cheap wines he could steal from old drunkards on the street. He was also beginning to experiment with harder drugs. John later told psychiatrists, that the drugs were a means of escape after his mother told him that his father Ken often wanted to kill him. Ken and John never saw eye to eye and physically fought over many things. But Ken didn't care too much about the children and Sharon was too heavy to chase the children so John and his seven younger siblings ran wild most of the time.

Sharon's increasing weight and the Brock Travers?????????????????????¢?? spina bifida did not help the family's situation and things went from bad to worse. In 1981, Ken left the family. So John became the head of the household. With no money coming into the household, John would steal food for the family to eat. This included chickens and ducks from other houses that John would then kill and pluck and cook them.

But the family situation never improved. Sharon's health continued to deteriorate and the children were all shipped off to foster homes while she was in hospital.

John stuck it out to the end of year ten in various high schools until they each expelled him. He then took on various jobs but never stayed at any of them long, preferring to collect the dole (welfare). John loved his grandmother dearly and moved in with her when things were getting crowded in the Travers' household, but her death soon after from cancer was devastating for John, who never fully recovered after her death.

John continued his drinking and stealing food for the family. But soon, birds were no longer enough, so John soon began to steal sheep and other small livestock. But his interest in these were not solely for food but had a more sinister overtone. As we see in many killers - especially serial killers - John would have sexual intercourse with the animals before slitting its throat. His sexual deviancy was beginning to surface.

Travers and his mates also spent a lot of time on the train travelling between Parramatta and Blacktown. Travers believed the secluded areas that surrounded many of the stations were was a good place to scout out potential rape victims. Travers enjoyed his notoriety of being a rapist among his friends and others in Blacktown. His apparent tough-guy image was also compounded by another past-time he had of gay-bashing. He hated "poofters" and enjoyed beating up anyone whom he thought fit the effeminate description. However, John himself had had sex with males but did not consider himself homosexual.

The boys liked to scare others with their tough-guy facades by torturing animals in front of other teenagers. At the age of eighteen, Travers bit the head off a kitten to shock people who were around.

Michael Murdoch
Michael Murdoch and John Travers were inseparable, the two spent most of their time together, doing drugs, drinking and causing general mischief. The two boys were the same age stealing cars together and spending a lot of their time at a pool parlour in Blacktown, where many stories of the boys brutalising girls, forcing them to have sex flourished.

The two boys considered themselves blood-brothers, once cutting their arms and pressing the two wounds together so their blood could mix. They also had sex with the same woman simultaneously to conclude the initiation. The two did a lot of things together, Travers the leader and Murdoch following his every action. They both tattooed each other. Travers had a distinct tear drop under his left eye, and both boys had obscene words all over their bodies. Travers' art included work on his penis. Both had their nipples pierced as well as their ears.

Murdoch?????????????????????¢??s mother was afraid of Travers?????????????????????¢?? hold over her son.

The Murphys
The rest of Travers' group consisted of the three Murphy boys, Les, Michael and Gary.

Michael, known as Mick, was the eldest of nine Murphy children born to Dulcie and Leslie Murphy. Mick was sent to live with his Grandmother when he was 12, her property being extremely close to Long Bay Gaol where Mick would soon call home.

If Mick wasn't around to look after the other kids, then Gary would take over and be the disciplinarian. But most of the time all of the kids would be in scuffles with each other, in the sad dilapidated houses they rented around Blacktown. The Murphy boys were not always at school and most of them left as soon as they could. Mick did a few odd jobs but nothing permanent, preferring the dole and stealing whatever he needed.

Gary was five years younger than Mick but still was in trouble most of his life. His poor hearing also compounded his problems, leaving school early, but got a steady job where he was a solid worker according to his boss.

Gary's main problem was his interest in cars, he would help out friends fixing and changing car parts if they were stolen. This little hobby of his saw him in court on many occasions for receiving stolen property. All in all, Gary was a likeable person who got on well with others, especially with girls. Many friends said he always treated women well.

But Gary also had a very hot temper. His way of dealing with problems was to fight first and ask questions later. He was often involved in brawls after drinking or smoking marijuana with mates.

Les Murphy was one of the smallest and youngest of the Murphy brood, but he had the worst temper. He was always in front of the magistrate in Children's Court being charged for any number of offences - usually to do with stealing.

A History of Violence
There are many stories told by those who knew the gang of boys. One particular brutal story and one that gives precedence to the later attack on Anita is that of Travers raping a 17 year old homosexual in Western Australia. The young man had agreed to pose for some pornographic Polaroid's that Travers' claimed he would sell in Sydney and split the money with the man. Instead Travers raped the young man. Two friends watched the rape as another friend took the photos.

A few weeks later the boys returned, this time Travers, high on alcohol and drugs, bashed the man to make sure he would not tell the police of the rape. Travers?????????????????????¢?? slammed the man?????????????????????¢??s head against the concrete and put a knife to his throat as his brutally sodomised the man again who nearly passed out in pain.

The young man collapsed to the floor in agony as Travers' kicked him in the ribs telling him to keep his mouth shut or he would come back and kill him. But the young man went to police where his report was taken. He also told the officers the name of "Trawney" Travers and said that the police should tell him that he had AIDs so Travers would need to have tests done as well.

When he got back to Sydney, Travers' showed his 'aunt' (his uncle's girlfriend) the pictures of the assault on the boy in WA. She was horrified, and was dumbstruck as John told her, in graphic detail, about the assault. He had told her of his many attacks, in an attempt to impress her. Once, he told her of a girl he abducted in Port Lincoln. Travers' and some friends gang raped the poor girl and had done "horrid things to her". Travers panicked after the attack realising the girl knew too much about the gang and had seen the tattooed teardrop under his eye, a mark that would aid in his identification. Travers fled back to Sydney.

Travers' aunt rung police anonymously about the attack on the young man in WA and police sent around officers to check out the story, but Travers' was able to hide from them as he saw them coming.

A Different Lifetime
Anita Lynch met John Cobby while studying for her nursing degree. The two became inseparable and married on March 27, 1982. The two were very much in love, they shared common interests and spent most of their time together.

However, the happiness would not last.

Three years after they married they went on a whirlwind 16 week tour of the world in attempt to save their marriage but by September 1985 the two decided that the marriage was over. They were growing apart and their interests were changing, the pair, though still in love decided to separate.

By the beginning of 1986 Anita returned home to her parents?????????????????????¢?? home in Blacktown.

The Wheels are Set in Motion
On December 26, 1985, Mick Murphy escaped from Silverwater Gaol. Supposedly he hadn't meant to leave, but after wandering off the grounds he decided not to return and hid out at a friend?????????????????????¢??s house. His younger brother Gary came to visit him often and introduced Mick to his friend Ray Paterson. Ray allowed the men to use his yard to work on cars. Both Murphys kept a low profile to avoid police detection but were not very far from family and friends, Les lived only a few streets away with his girlfriend Lisa Travers - John Travers' younger sister.

The brothers spent a lot of time together and made many mutual friends. One friend that Gary and Mick met, through Les, was John Travers.

The wheels were now set in motion....

Sunday February 2, 1986
Sunday February 2, 1986 was a normal day for Anita and her friends Elaine and Lyn. Anita worked in the surgery section of the Intensive Care ward at Sydney Hospital. The day was just routine, helping patients and taking care of medications. At the end of her shift, Anita met with fellow nurses Elaine and Lyn. The girls chatted as they changed out of their uniforms and into their street clothes for their dinner at a nearby Lebanese restaurant.

The girls enjoyed their dinner and talked about their planned end of year trip to Perth. The three women left the restaurant at 8.30pm. Despite offers from both of her girlfriends to stay at their flats, Anita insisted on going home.

Lyn dropped Anita off at the Eddy Avenue entrance to Central Station for her train trip home to Blacktown. The last words Anita uttered to her friend was "See you tomorrow".

The Worst Crime
Sunday February 2, 1986, also began as a normal day for Travers and the others. The boys spent most of the day the way the usually did; drinking heavily at the Doonside Hotel. Later that evening they decided to go out. The car they had stolen a week earlier was outside and the boys wanted to take it out to see ?????????????????????¢??what it could do?????????????????????¢??????????????????????. But having little money left they decided to steal a woman's handbag to finance their joyride.

Anita was walking alone along Newton Road, south of Blacktown Train Station, her handbag over her shoulder when the boys drove up beside her. The car stopped and Travers and Murdoch jumped out in front of Anita and dragged her kicking and screaming into the car.

From the moment Anita was in the car she was brutalised. She was ordered to strip off her clothes but refused. She begged them to let her go, saying she was married and that she had her periods.

The boys didn't listen. Travers and Mick Murdoch began ripping her clothes from her body and punching her around the face and head. Les Murphy who was sitting in the front got involved in the violence and leaned across and punched Anita in the face as well. Mick Murphy joined in by slapping her.

The first port of call was a petrol station. The boys pulled into a petrol station and filled the car using the money they had stolen from Anita's purse.

While at the pump Anita was held down on the floor of the car and beaten once more by the men.

As the car drove off, Travers climbed on top of the frightened woman and raped her. Mick Murphy did the same with a knife against Anita's throat.

When they got to the paddock on the secluded road, they threw Anita out onto the ground. Travers, Gary and Les all took turns in raping Anita again, beating her at the same time. Gary Murphy then made Anita perform oral sex on him.

The boys then dragged her through a barbed wire fence, gouging her body as they went. Anita was now so badly beaten she offered no resistance to the gang's continued brutal attack. She was barely conscious when they got her to the spot where she would die.

She groaned and tried to beg to be left alone and for them to stop the attack but they only increased their torment. Mick Murdoch raped her again while Mick Murphy made her perform oral sex. Les Murphy then anally raped her before Travers raped her again. Mick Murdoch and Gary Murphy tried to make her put both of their penises in her mouth but they failed to maintain erections.

Mick Murphy went crazy. He raped Anita again before bashing and kicking her into semi-consciousness. She just lay there gasping for breath, unable to move, unable to fight anymore. Les Murphy kicked Anita once more in the head before they all decided they had had their fun and returned to the car.

But Travers was worried, he thought she had seen his teardrop tattoo and would be able to identify him. Also the boys had called each other by their names. She had to die. The others urged him on. Travers marched back to where the beaten body of Anita lay. He sat on her back pulled her head back by the hair and slit her throat twice, like he had done to the animals so many times before. In the later autopsy report semen was found in the gash across Anita?????????????????????¢??s throat. Possibly Travers raped the gaping wound one final time before leaving her.

Anita?????????????????????¢??s head was almost severed from her body as she lay there semi-conscious gasping for breath that would not come - and bled to death.

Travers went back to the car smiling and boasting about the kill, even found it cool that he was covered in her blood. When later asked how he felt about the murder he responded " it didn't feel like nothing. I didn't feel anything at all." A heartless statement from a heartless man.

Anita is Missing
Garry and Grace Lynch assumed that Anita had decided to stay at one of her girlfriends after dinner when she hadn't called to be picked up at Blacktown Station by 10.30pm so they retired to bed.

Gary woke suddenly around midnight, he looked out the window and saw a cloud that looked like the most evil face.

Little did he know at the time, but he was looking at the man who had just murdered his darling daughter.

The following afternoon the horrible truth began to surface when Sister Jolly from Anita's ward called looking for Anita who had failed to show for work. After a few frantic phone calls to friends and relatives Gary Lynch went to Blacktown Police Station and reported Anita missing.

The police report taken by Constable Murphy - a surname Gary Lynch will never forget - stated that Anita was last seen at 9pm on Sunday evening. It included Anita's vital statistics: 175cm tall, thin build, hazel eyes, black wavy hair, olive complexion. The time was now 7pm on Monday evening. Though it still had not been 24 hours since she had disappeared the constable filed the report - in hindsight it saved police a lot of time as two officers who were there when Gary Lynch made the statement were able to quickly identify Anita's body when she was found.

Early on Tuesday morning Anita?????????????????????¢??s sister, Kathryn, and her husband Ray, arrived at the Lynch's house to see if there had been any news. John Cobby also called, he was as frantic as the Lynch family and decided to go and check around at some of Anita's friends to see if they had seen her.

At the same time Det Sgt Graham Rosetta and Snr Const Hugh Dundas drove down a dirt backroad where 3 uniformed police were waiting for them. The two men were immediately briefed by Tony Cassimatis. A young woman had been found dead in a paddock. They did not have an identification but she was between 18 and 30 and there was an incredible loss of blood. She was completely naked and the only item they had to use for identification was a Russian wedding ring on her finger.

The brutalised woman lay on her stomach, face down. Her left arm was under her body and her right arm under her head. Her eyes were open, vacant, staring. She was surrounded by a large congealed pool of blood. The cuts to her throat were easy to see even though she lay face down. Even the most hardened officer found this a harrowing sight.

Det Sgt Ian Kennedy was also one of the police summoned to the paddock that fateful day in the middle of a hot summer. He spoke with Det Paul Davies and Det Snr Const Phil Gaspert who had also been assigned to the case. Both of these officers had been at Blacktown Station when Const Murphy had taken Gary Lynch's missing person report on Anita. They were sure they had found her.

Det Kennedy took the bloodied Russian wedding ring in the evidence bag to the Lynch house. He sat down with the family and told them they had found a body in a paddock and it matched the description of Anita. Kennedy then held up the bag containing the ring. Kathryn said it looked like the one Anita wore.

John Cobby heard about the discovery of a woman's body on the news and called Anita?????????????????????¢??s parents. Det Kennedy took the call and broke the news to him also.

The hardest part for Gary Lynch was now about to happen. Kennedy took the Lynchs to Westmead Hospital Mortuary where Gary had to endure the agony of identifying his daughter's brutalised body. It took him a moment - looking beyond the bruises and wounds on her face, Gary identified the broken and bloodied body as that of his daughter Anita.

A media frenzy ensued, with many reporters parked on the steps of the police station hoping for any information. The details of Anita's wounds and murder outraged the public and they demanded to know more and to challenged the police to find the animals who had done this to an innocent beautiful woman who had no enemies in the world.

On Sunday February 9, exactly a week after Anita's murder, police staged a re-enactment of Anita's last known movements as she boarded the train from Central to Blacktown. The media filmed the event and it was televised in the hope it may jolt someone's memory.

The police then received a call from someone following up on a call they had made the night of Anita?????????????????????¢??s abduction. A family witnessed a woman being dragged into a white and grey Holden Commodore at around 9.50pm. One of the witnesses ran to the car to see if he could help the woman but the car sped off. John McGaughey told his older brother, Paul, when he came home of what he had seen and the pair decided to drive around to see if he could see the car that John had described.

Paul drove down the desolate road where Anita would eventually be found and stopped next to an empty car that vaguely matched his brother?????????????????????¢??s description. However on closer inspection he saw it was not the same model as his brother, a car enthusiast had seen and drove on.

Little did he know but it had been the right car and Anita was being raped and murdered only metres away.

The incident fitted the time frame of Anita's final moments so police assumed that the incident was indeed the abduction of Anita.

On Monday February 10, Anita's funeral was held. The Lynchs remained stoic throughout the heartbreaking event, and the public outpouring of emotion would only be equalled by the later rape and murder of schoolgirl Ebony Simpson a few years later.

The Police , the press and the public were outraged. Someone had to pay for the brutal slaying. Polls were done on the reintroduction of capital punishment with resounding results.

Then the break came.

The Arrests
On February 11, Det Sgt Rosetta followed up a call from a man who knew of some men who would be of interest to police. The men were John Travers, Mick Murdoch and some of the Murphy boys. The caller feared for his own safety should Travers and the others find out but said he would see what he could do to help police.

He told Det Sgt Rosetta that the men had stolen a Holden Commodore around the time of the abduction and altered it. After the time of the murder, they had dumped it and burned it. The information was the break the police had been waiting for. The story about the car matched the eye-witness accounts of Anita being abducted. Also, once police started checking into the backgrounds of those mentioned, they were interested to find that Travers had a history of sexual assaults and violence. He was also known to carry a knife.

By February 21, police began organising the operation to capture Travers and his gang. Travers and Murdoch were found in a bed together at Travers' uncle's house. The men admitted to the theft of the car but denied any knowledge of the murder of Anita Cobby. A further search located a knife covered in dried blood.

At the same time, police raided Travers' house where 24 year old Les Murphy was arrested. On his own car in the front yard were the mag wheels that had been taken from the stolen car.

When Travers was question by police about the blood on his knife, he responded quickly "I didn't slit that sl#t's throat", but quickly altered his demeanor and said it was sheep's blood.

Les was charged with car theft; as was Mick Murdoch, before being released on bail (under close police watch). Travers was also charged with the theft but was held for some blood tests and further questioning about other recent sexual attacks on women.

Police continued to search for the others; they visited Ray Paterson looking for Gary Murphy. Paterson denied any knowledge of the car nor the murder but later recanted and admitted to the stolen car being resprayed by Gary at his house.

But Mick Murphy, at the age of 33, and the oldest member of Travers' gang, was nowhere to be found.

Travers, still in custody, requested that police contact his 'aunt" and ask her to bring him cigarettes. The woman was glad when police called her. She had wanted to speak to them but was too scared to come forward.

Ms X
The ?????????????????????¢??aunt?????????????????????¢??????????????????????, known only as Ms X during the trial agreed to meet with Det Kevin Raue at 6pm at Wentworth Leagues Club in private. Ms X told him that Travers trusted her and confided in her. She said that Travers enjoyed preying on women and was responsible for many attacks and admitted he was probably responsible for the murder of Anita.

Det Raue knew that the police had their man, the officers continued to question Travers but he continued to deny any involvement or knowledge of the murder. They were getting nowhere when it was decided that Ms X should try to get a confession from Travers when she next took him cigarettes.

The plan was that maybe he would confide in her again and tell her all he knew and incriminate himself and the others.

After being left alone with Travers for half an hour Ms X returned to the police muster room looking like she had seen a ghost. John had told her about the murder. Ms X agreed to come and visit him again, this time she wore a tape recorder.

Travers told Ms X everything as he always did. Ms X tried stoically to remain calm during his tale, though she was totally repulsed and terrified by what she was hearing. Travers even bragged about grabbing Anita, bashing her and raping her before he slit her throat. He incriminated the others too in their role of the bashing and raping of Anita.

The police officers went and arrested the others that Travers had implicated.

Mick Murdoch was quickly arrested at his home, Les was found hiding between two women under a blanket in a bed. The two men were scared. They quickly blamed the whole thing on Travers. But Travers had already incriminated them all in the attack but admitted he was the one who killed Anita. Travers was proud of the crime.

The men, Les Murphy, Mick Murdoch and John Travers were driven to Bankstown Court on February 24, 1986 and formally charged with the rape and murder of Anita Cobby.

An angry crowd had gathered by the time the prisoners arrived. The mob yelled to hang them, again the call went up for the reintroduction of the death penalty. The crowd also cheered the police for capturing the men so quickly. It had taken a total of twenty-two days.

But still Gary and Mick Murphy were free. Their faces and descriptions were plastered all over newspapers and television. Hundreds of calls came in - none of them successful until one man called to say that two men fitting the Murphy brothers descriptions, were hiding out in the flats beside him in Glenfield. Police surrounded the units and waited. When a woman came out, she told police that they were staying there but had gone out. The police did not believe her and they raided the unit, arresting both men.

Mick was sitting watching TV and offered no resistance, Gary tried to flee and was met by a wall of police who tackled him to the ground. Gary was in such fear of his capture for the heinous crime that he wet his pants. The photo was beamed across Australia - a little just dessert for us all.

The Trial
All the boys decided at the committal hearing to plead not guilty. However, just before the commencement, Travers changed his plea to guilty. He admitted to being responsible for the murder of Anita. Then a mistrial was called when information leaked out that Mick Murphy was a prison escapee at the time of the murder. But finally, the trial went ahead and took 54 days.

After listening to different versions from each of the men blaming each of the others, the truth slowly emerged.

All the boys tried to convince the jury that they had minimal involvement in the beating and murder but they did not succeed. On June 10, 1987 Mick Murdoch and the three Murphy brothers were found guilty of murder - John Travers having already pleaded guilty.

As most people know, gaol has it's own hierarchical system and you can imagine that these horrid creatures were not popular amongst the prison population. Even before their sentencing, all of the men had been beaten by other prisoners. Rumours say that Les Murphy was held down as a hose was inserted into his anus, a piece of barbed wire was then inserted inside the hose. The hose was taken out, then the barbed wire was taken out, wounding Les permanently. When Les requested to stand during the sentencing, he was denied the request. Many in the court had a laugh at the objection.

The judge called the boys heinous criminals who attacked a woman like a pack of animals. All five men where given maximum life terms with the recommendation that they never be released. The toughest term available in Australia.

Anita's savage death was a first of it's kind in Australia. Our innocence as a new country was also murdered that day and no-one has ever fully recovered from it. The boys, though they keep appealing, will never be released from gaol while they are still alive, that is for certain.

Anita?????????????????????¢??s parents have not let their daughter die in vain. They have gone on to found the Victim's of Homicide Support Group (though they have now retired) and were instrumental in the tougher sentencing and truth in sentencing laws which came about after her murder.

The escape foiled
An escape attempt on June 6, 1996 by John Travers was foiled by prison officers when he was discovered acting suspiciously on the prison transport vehicle's close circuit television. Travers and two other prisoners were attempting to hacksaw their way out of the vehicle's door while being transferred from Goulburn Gaol's maximum security wing to Long Bay Gaol?????????????????????¢??s special purpose prison. The prison van made a detour to Bowral Police Station where all three men were charged with attempted escape.

John Cobby, the husband of Anita has since changed his name and has gone on to remarry and has a new family. His family does not talk often about the tragedy, but Anita is still a part of John?????????????????????¢??s life.

I can't believe man that there are such humans



Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Mon 05 Nov, 2007 11:56 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Posted:
Mon 05 Nov, 2007 9:57 am
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Age: 34
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Yeah Bro

Allah will finally do justice on Judgement Day. These freaks won't get away with it forever
Post Posted:
Mon 05 Nov, 2007 11:54 am
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Age: 76
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

IntellectualWarfare1 wrote:
Yeah Bro

Allah will finally do justice on Judgement Day. These freaks won't get away with it forever

Don't care, Ahmed.

Keep writing and sensible folks will read and understand. And that is our duty to write there.

You don't have to worry about Ali Sina. only the internetters at some sites "know" him and the real people in the world do not even know who he is, as they have not even heard his name. LOL! Trust me.

Salaams, Mate
Post Posted:
Mon 05 Nov, 2007 10:00 pm
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Age: 34
Faith: Islam
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Joined: Oct 13, 2007

Posts: 68


Post subject: Reply with quote  

BMZ wrote:
IntellectualWarfare1 wrote:
Yeah Bro

Allah will finally do justice on Judgement Day. These freaks won't get away with it forever

Don't care, Ahmed.

Keep writing and sensible folks will read and understand. And that is our duty to write there.

You don't have to worry about Ali Sina. only the internetters at some sites "know" him and the real people in the world do not even know who he is, as they have not even heard his name. LOL! Trust me.

Salaams, Mate

Yea Bro I agree

Ali Sina is an egotistical freak and deserves zero respect.

And one has to visit his forum to see the type of sickness his site attracts
Post Posted:
Wed 07 Nov, 2007 2:44 pm
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All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. The comments are property of their posters, all the rest ? 2005 by me.
You can syndicate our news using the file backend.php or ultramode.txt
PHP-Nuke Copyright © 2004 by Francisco Burzi. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license.
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:: fiapple phpbb2 style by Daz :: PHPNuke theme by :: BonusNuke modified theme by ::
[ Script generation time: 0.3935s (PHP: 71% - SQL: 29%) ] - [ SQL queries: 41 ] - [ Pages served in past 5 minutes : 448 ] - [ GZIP disabled ] - [ Debug on ]