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Post subject: THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE Reply with quote  

Finally Available To ALL - Absolute Historical Proof : Jews are not Israelites!
Research Proves "Jews" are non-Israelite Asiatics!

DATELINE U.S.A. (1977) -- In 1976 Random House published a book that should have hit the Christian Churches like a blockbuster, but
instead they chose totally to ignore it. It dealt with the racial
origin of the people in Communist and Christian countries who call
themselves "Jews," and whom the Churches (and the Jews themselves)
generally insist are "God's Chosen People," the Israelite
descendants of Abraham. Since the late 1800's a small number of
Bible Scholars, who were also students of History and Racial
origins, have insisted the Church denominations were wrong; that
instead of being Israelites, these Jews from Eastern Europe and
Western Asia were descended from Mongolians and other Asiatic
peoples who had adopted Judaism as their "religion" over 1,000 years
ago and had become know as "Jews." These Bible scholars were ignored
or condemned, and often called "cultists" or "anti-Semites."

Now, after many years of research, a well-known Jewish author,
Arthur Koestler has published a 255 page book titled THE THIRTEENTH
in which he proves the same point; i.e. that these Eastern
European "Jews" are neither Israelites nor "Semites," but are
instead Khazars, Mongols, and Huns! Most major newspapers and
magazines reviewed the book during 1976. Also, Random House, the
publisher, advertised it extensively and began some of their ads
with the following headline: WHAT IF MOST JEWS AREN'T REALLY SEMITES
AT ALL? In addition, Random House quoted the following reviews:

"Mr. Koestler's excellent book...Is as readable as it is
thought-provoking. Nothing could be more stimulating than the skill,
elegance and erudition with which he marshals his facts and develops
his theories..."/ Fitzroy Maclean, New York Times Book Review.

"You do not have to be Jewish to be interested... Are today's
Western Jews really ethnic, Semitic, Biblical Jews, or are most of
them descendants of converted Khazars?...This compact, interesting
book...examines tragic-ironic implications in [this question] for
modern history...It should fascinate." /--Edmund Fuller, Wall Street

"Koestler marshals the evidence in a clear and convincing way. He
tells a good story, pulling together materials from medieval Muslims
and Jewish travelers, scholarly controversy and the mysterious lore
of the Khazars."/ --Raymond Sokolov, Newsweek

Robert Kirsch of the Los Angeles Times stated in his lengthy review
that /'Arthur Koestler publicizes with his customary skills a daring
N. Poliak of Tel Aviv University, who stated that /"The large
majority of world Jewry is descended from the Jews of Khazaria."/
Then he again quoted Koestler in THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE, /"If so, this
would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from
the Volga; not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to
be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that GENETICALLY THEY ARE MORE
ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB..." /(emphasis added) We cannot stress
enough how absolutely imperative it is for all Christian Americans
to consider the startling proof in Arthur Koestler's book that
today's Jews are not Israelites. The Jewish influence on American
life has reached such a stage that no student of contemporary
history can ignore it. Not only the news media are Jewish
monopolies, but top positions in the U.S. government are largely
filled by Eastern European Jews. The magazine and book publishing
houses are in Jewish hands; and movies, television, and the other
entertainment industries are dominated by Jews in all phases.
America's government and most of her people's sources of information
are controlled and directed by Jews. If these people were really
"God's Chosen People," perhaps Americans would have little cause for
ANCIENT ENEMIES OF CHRISTENDOM? Since many Americans may not have an
opportunity to read Koestler's book, we shall herewith submit our
own index-style review.


(by Arthur Koestler, Random House)

Reviewed by Pastor Sheldon Emry

Page Information

15 Khazars adopt Judaism as their religion in A.D. 740.
16 Majority of Eastern European Jews are Khazar and Japhetic in origin,
not Semitic. Refers to 1973 Jewish Encyclopedia and A. N. Poliak,
Professor, Medieval Jewish History, Tel Aviv University.
17 Jews more closely related to Hun, Uigur, and Magyrs than to the seed
of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
18 Khazars exacted tribute from subject peoples.
20 Identified them with the hosts of Gog and Magog.
22 German word Ketzer is our word for Khazar and means heretic or Jew.
23 Khazars were with Attila the Hun in 4th century.
37-39 Some were phallic worshipers, killed anyone thought to be extra
intelligent and called it an offering to god.
46 Quotes 1,000-year-old Arab historian, "The Khazars and their King
are all Jews...some are of the opinion that Gog and Magog are the Khazars."
47-50 Khazars were re-exporters of foreign goods, middlemen, inspectors
of trade, goldsmiths, and silversmiths; and they exacted 10% tax on all
59-63 Jews fled Rome and Greece to Khazaria to avoid forced conversion
to Christianity. They adopted Islam when forced, repudiating it when safe.
72 Khazar King, in a letter, traced his people in Togarma and Japheth,
the ancestors of all the Turkish tribes.
81 In A.D. 864 a monk wrote "there exists a people under the sky in
regions where no Christians can be found, whose name is Gog and Magog,
and who are Huns; among them is one called Gazari [Khazari?], who are
circumcised and observe Judaism in its entirety."
93 Russian communists tried to hide Khazar-Jewish connection!
95-132 History of breaking up of Khazar Empire and integration of these
Jews into Russia, Poland, etc.
135 Khazar kingdom known as a kingdom of "Red" Jews.
141 Khazars joined Ghengis Khan and retained their Judaism.
145 Interchangeable names --Khazar, Zhid (or Yid), and Jew
151 Majority of Jews in Middle Ages were Khazars.
152-154 Jews were mintmasters, royal treasurers, tax collectors, and
money lenders. Principal source of income was foreign trade and the
levying of customs dues and they practiced communal life.
159-161 They lost the name of Khazars and became known as Jews. During
Dark Ages commerce largely in Jewish hands, including slave trade.
163-167 During Crusades whole families and towns of Jews committed
suicide rather than accept Christianity.
167-171 Proves only a handful of Sephardim Jews were in Europe so the
vast majority of Jews today are Khazar in origin.
172-174 Gives origin of Yiddish language. It is NOT Hebrew!
178 "The Jewish dark ages may be said to begin with the Renaissance."
(Reviews comment: This remark by the Jew Cecil Roth, coupled with other
information, is a sorrowful admission that the Jews were supreme in the
Dark Ages but lost their dominion over Europe when the Light of God's
Word brought about the Renaissance!)
180-199 Quotes from many sources to prove Jews NOT descended from
Biblical Israelites, ending with this, ...evidence from anthropology
concurs with history in refuting the popular belief in a Jewish race
descended from the biblical tribe.
200-222 Refers to others who have written on the same subject.
223 Israeli's right to exist...not based on...the mythological covenant
of Abraham with God; it is based on international law -- i.e., on the
United Nations' decision of 1947. . .
224-226 Koestler ends his book by saying he believes many Jews have
learned of their Khazar ancestry and now reject the Chosen-Race doctrine.

*THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE* proves beyond doubt that modern Jews are not
Biblical Israelites. Every church member in America should insist
that his Pastor investigate these claims. Are our Jewish
politicians, publishers, movie makers, and opinion molders God's
"Chosen People"? Or are they Mongol and Hun infiltrators of

*Is The Jews' "Chosen People" Masquerade Finally Over?*

Shortly after World War I, Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor
Company, assembled a staff of experts in Detroit to conduct research
on the European Jews who had been entering America in large numbers
since the 1880's. Ford provided the staff with several million
dollars for this research, and in 1923 he published the results in a
four-volume work titled "THE INTERNATIONAL JEW." It was Henry Ford's
conclusion that very few of these people who called themselves
"Jews" were descendants of the Bible Israelites. Ford further proved
that these Jews, using all sorts of crimes while under the cloak of
being the Chosen People of the Bible, were rapidly taking economic
and political control of America. In the religious field, Ford
to remove almost all criticism of Jews from Christian literature. In
summing up his findings, Henry Ford stated,/ "The Jews are not the
Chosen People, though practically the entire Church has succumbed to
the propaganda which declares them to be so."/ Ford's book caused a
furor for a few years but soon disappeared from colleges,
universities, and public libraries and became unobtainable at any
price. The Churches continued to teach "The Jews are God's Chosen
People, Israel," and the (by then) Jewish-dominated news media began
to refer to Jews always as Israelites. Anyone opposing the
increasing Jewish control of the nations was immediately branded
"anti-Semitic;" and Jewish dominated Seminaries taught new ministers
to quote Genesis 12:1-3 and sternly warn their flocks that anyone
speaking unfavorably of the Jews would be "cursed by God." Jewish
control of American society, politics, and religions continued to

In 1951 retired U.S. Military Intelligence Officer, Col. John Beaty,
published a scholarly 265-page book IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA. In it
Col. Beaty gave overwhelming evidence this strange Race of Eastern
European "Jews" were actually Khazar and Mongol Asiatics and had no
racial ancestory in Israel at all.

He then proved that by 1951 these "Jews" had a stranglehold on
American politics, on Banking and Credit, on all sources of news, on
the entertainment industry, on America's education system, and that
they were the predominant race as judges, lawyers, doctors, and in
organized crime. The Jewish news media refused to review the book,
Jewish book dealers refused to handle it, Christian book stores
ignored it, and only a few thousand copies were distributed. Most
Americans never heard of IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA. Now, because of
renewed interest, both THE INTERNATIONAL JEW (in an abridged
edition) and IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA have been reprinted and are
available. (See ordering information below). The latest, and perhaps
the most succinct book on this subject, is ISRAEL'S 5 TRILLION
DOLLAR SECRET by Col. Curtis B. Dall, former son-in-law of Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, and a personal acquaintance of many high officials
in the U.S. Govern ment since the 1930's. Col. Dall lives and works
in the Washington, D. C. area, and his book, published in 1977. Col.
Dall proves again, from reliable sources, that the Jews are NOT
Israelites. In fact, Col. Dall calls their masquerade as "Israel"
the greatest "hoax" of the last centuries! It should be read by
every non-Jew.

You now know their false identity as "Israel" protects these "Jews"
from being exposed as aliens and as anti-Americans. Read the books
below. Give this sheet to your Minister. Tell him to preach the
truth - or resign! Most preaching today is based on the "Jew-Israel"
myth, and it is false.

"Fear them not therefore; for there is nothing covered that shall
not be revealed: and hid, that shall not be known. What I tell you
in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear,
that preach ye on the housetops"/ (Jesus, in Matthew 10:26,27).

Posted By Friend Of Islam, New Delhi
Post Posted:
Wed 14 Mar, 2007 5:35 am
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Age: 111
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Joined: Nov 26, 2006

Posts: 529


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The Thirteenth Tribe

The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler

Reviewed by Meyer Levin

This is a startling new discovery about the true ancestry of the European Jewish People.

Are today’s Western Jews, really ethnic, Semitic, biblical Jews, or are mostly descended from a converted people called the “Khazars”? (Not to be mistaken for the“chazir”, which means pig in Yiddish).

Who were they?

They were people of Turkish stock, mixed with Palestinians and, no doubt, others. They claim their descent from Noah. (Noah’s ark is believed to have finally settled on Mt. Arrarat in Turkey.) Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham & Japhet. Japhet had a son, Tagarma who had ten sons, one of which was called Khazar. The Semitic people, Jew and Arabs, claim their decendency from Shem. Not much is know about Ham. I suppose all others are his descendants. These tribes, from around Turkey, moved westward for a few hundred years. They were nomads who continuously raided and conquered as they traveled. People like the Pacheneg, Bulgarians, and Magyars, who later became know as Hungarians, were conquered.

They also attacked the Slavs, the Vikings, and the Russians from the seventh to the tenth century. They formed the Khazar Empire that ruled the area between the Caucasus Mountains and the Volga River, the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea in Southern Russia.

They were fierce warriors. History speaks of how in one war they amassed fifty thousand horsemen. The modern derivation of the name Khazar would be the Russian Kozzak and the Hungarian cavalry known as the Huzzars, both signifying military horsemen. The Khazars had a strategic position. They stood as a bulwark to the Byzantine Empire (the Greek Orthodox Christians) from invasions from the north by the Vikings
who were from Denmark. They were later referred to as the “Rohs” or “Rus”, meaning rowers of boats. Eventually they became known as “Russians”.

They crossed the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland and down the Volga River and other waterways to the Caspian Sea. The traveled on the Dnieper and into the Black Sea, conquering the Slavs who lived in the steppes of Russia. Their aim was to capture Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine and Arab countries. The Khazars blocked their advance. These battles continued for more than two hundred years.

At that period in history, the Vikings were doing a fairly good job of trying to conquer the world. The Swedes and Norwegians (Norsemen) had already invaded Ireland and England and even raided northern France and Germany.

These battles with the Rus didn’t always end in Khazar victories. The Russians captured the Khazar city of Ityl, located at the mouth of the Volga, and the Khazars started to lose ground.

Russian folk songs recall how the Russian heroes returned victorious from the Jidovskia Zemlya (the land of the Jews). However, the Soviet Government gave historians strict orders to “play down” the importance of the Khazar period. Even more importantly, the Khazars’ blocked the advance of the Arab avalanche from the south, preventing the Moslem conquest of Eastern Europe. This was at the time when the Mohammedans were determined to conquer the world through North Africa and into Spain after the death of Mohammed in 632 A.D. The Arabs came as far as the Caucasus Mountains. There they met the organized military power of the Khazars. If it hadn’t been for the Khazars, the history of Europe and Islam might have been a lot different from what we know.

That there was a great conversion to Judaism in the eighth century by the Khazar people and that the bulk of Eastern European Jews of the Crimea, Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, and Lithuania are their descendants is most upsetting to the believers in the dogma of the “Chosen People”.

How then did it come about?

The kingdom of Khazaria lasted for four hundred years. To a large degree, the conversion to Judaism was a political move by King Bulan, although did believe it was the best of three religions.

In the eighth century, the world was polarized between two super powers, Christianity and Islam. The Khazars’ Empire represented a third power that had proven equal to either of them, sometimes as the enemy, sometimes as the friend. Despite great pressure from the Christian Church and the Moslems to convert, they knew that they could only maintain their independence by accepting neither. Either choice would automatically subordinate them to the Roman Church or the Caliph of Baghdad.

The Khazars were already well acquainted with the “Real Jew” from Palestine for at least 100 years. These were Jews who came to their land as merchants, tradesmen, craftsmen, and quite often as refugees from Greek, Roman, and Arab persecution. They respected these Jews for their high degree of culture and industry. Also, both Christian and Mohammedans alike respected their sacred books. This is another reason that helped King Bulan with his decision.

So, in the year 744 A.D. the Khazar King Bulan chose Hebrew as the national religion. Idolatry was not completely forbidden, but circumcision was adopted. At this time, however, the Khazar people did not want to or showed no interest in studying the Talmud, but accepted the teachings of the Bible wholeheartedly and became fanatically religious. They gave up eating pork, and they would pass the Sabbath sitting in complete darkness in their homes. There are Jews today in the Balkan region called the Karaits, who still behave that way.

Two generations after Bulan, his grandson King Obadiah created a great religious revival. He sent messengers to Palestine to recruit Jewish scholars. He built synagogues and had these scholars translate the Mishna, the Talmud, and prayer books. Even after the curtain came down on the Khazar state, after 400 years, their religion followed them to the Khazar-Jewish settlements of Russia, Poland, the Ukraine, and Lithuania. The Ruskis finally defeated them in 915 A.D., but they retained their Jewish faith.

In the 13th century, they fell victim to the great Mongol invasion of Genghis Khan and there was a mass emigration to Slavonic lands where they ultimately built up the great Jewish Centers of Eastern Europe. This of course, was 400 years after the conversion. By this time, the Khazars were pretty well mixed up with the “Real” Jews. They had a tendency to stick together, some in self-imposed communities called “Shtetles” and others flocked to larger cities. They again established their own places of worship and schools. Also, local populations were permitted to a large degree, to govern themselves. There they sat for centuries waiting for “Messiach’ to come and return them to Palestine.

The Polish King Casmir the Great welcomed these Jewish immigrants to settle in his country, as he considered them as valuable assets to the Poland’s economy and government administrations.

Since the Khazars were experienced tax collectors, from the time they had exacted tribute from those they had conquered, and the Poles lacked this expertise, they became financial advisors to the nobility and the courts. Up until then, Poland was a land of forests and the good King Casmir saw their potential to bring his country into the modern world.

The traditional clothes worn by the Jews were the long silk caftans and hats trimmed with fur. This was also the dress of the Polish nobility who copied it from the Mongols. The Yarmulke, or skullcap, was also copied from the Mongols and, to this day, is still worn by the Uzbeks and other Turkish tribes in the Soviet Union. As history has repeatedly shown, the Jew is invited to one or another European country like England, France or Germany, where they are pampered with special privileges and favors because they possessed the secret of how to keep the wheels of the
economy turning.

The story always starts with a honeymoon and ends with divorce and bloodshed. After the “tricks of the trade” are learned, they don’t want the Jew around to give them competition. With the help of the church, they are once more expelled. Usually, they are once again “invited” to settle in another backward country that can use their expertise. With constant restrictions on owning land, performing their trade, or practicing medicine, Jews were forced to keep their assets liquid in case they had to run. They took to money lending, later to be dignified as banking. The Christian Church forbade the charging of interest on loans, called usury. The Jews however, had no such restrictions and therefore became the moneylenders as typified in Shakespeare’s Shylock in The Merchant of Venice. At that time, there were few, if any, Jews in England. Most were expelled in 1290, and Shakespeare probably never met a Jew in his life.

This relationship would last until the Christians learned the banking business and decided that they would rather get their reward here on earth than wait until they get to heaven, so Jews were once again expelled.

At no time does history show a great concentration of Jews in Germany, France, and England during the period of the first and second Crusades. There were, to be sure, small Jewish communities from as far back as the period of the Roman Empire. So, when these noble heroes of Christianity massacred, burned, and lynched the Jews of Europe, some Jews converted out of fear and some committed wholesale suicide.

The next terrible catastrophe was that of the Black Death from 1348 to 1350, that killed off one third of the European population, including Jews (since the rats who brought the disease from Eastern Asia weren’t discriminating). The Jews were blamed and massacred by the Christians and accused as the ones who poisoned the wells. They didn’t bother to consider that the Jews also drank the same water and also died. Germany virtually became “Judenrein” which means “clean of Jews”. If this was so, the question must be asked: What Jews constituted the millions in Poland, Russia, Hungary, Austria, Lithuania, and the Balkan States?

If all evidence points to the fact that there were not near enough Jews migrating from Germany into Poland and Russia, then where and how did Yiddish become the popular tongue of Jewish masses? Yiddish is a curious combination of medieval German, Slavonic, and other elements written in Hebrew characters.

But why German? … Perhaps this is the reason.

As I noted before, medieval Poland was a land of nothing but farms and trees. King Casmir the Great did everything possible to attract immigrants with a high degree of culture to colonize the land, a degree of culture and “know-how” the Poles did not possess.

He invited four million Germans from East Germany who were bordering Poland to move in, build cities, and spread their high degree of culture. It's easy to see why the Khazars, coming into Poland from the other end, the East, found it necessary to learn German if it meant progress, getting along in business as well as socially.

In a few generations, they shed their original language and adopted German. (Jews did the same thing when coming to America, giving up Yiddish for English). In Poland, the “honeymoon” lasted longer than elsewhere. By the 16th century however, it had run its course.

The Poles became jealous of the Jews and the Church became hostile. Again, the story repeats itself. There was a mass exodus, this time to Hungary, Romania, and further west to Germany and Austria. Countries, including Russia, Lithuania and Poland, Israel and the United States, became the nucleus of Jewish communities. Historians claim the Khazars’ contribution to the genetic make-up of the Jews must be substantial and in all likelihood, dominant.

Are the Jews a race?

According to anthropologists, the answer in No!

There is a wider difference, with regard to physical characteristics between Jews of one area of the world and another. For instance, Jews living around the Mediterranean, Near East, Arab and African countries, look entirely different from Jews of Poland, Russia, Germany, Holland, and England. There are greater similarities to the populations amongst whom we live that are reflected in statistics such as body height, head size, blood type, hair and eye color, and so on. That there is a distinct Jewish type is a misconception. A non-Jew will be friends for many years with one whose name does not sound particularly Jewish until through conversation, there is some inadvertent mention that they are Jewish as well. There are certain hereditary traits that do characterize the contemporary Jew.

This, to a large degree, is a result of being confined to the Ghetto for several centuries and being subjected to overcrowding. Ghettos were different from the Shtetle. A ghetto had a wall built around it and locked the gates at night. The Shtetle, on the other hand, was a self-imposed Jewish town, large or small and the Jews enjoyed a limited autonomy of self-rule. They were permitted to do business with the outside.

In the ghettos, Jews were subject to a certain amount of claustrophobia. They suffered depression of the spirit, contempt, and harassment. Sometimes, there were attacks by Christian churchmen followed by mobs that beat them and forced them to attend Christian sermons. They were intimidated, became self-conscious and suspicious of the “Goy.” This therefore became a mental attitude.

There had to be a lot of inbreeding that affected their looks and outlook. A natural selection took place. The concept as to who is beautiful made its mark. Certainly, a boy or girl with a pug nose was not favored. Didn’t one with such a nose look too much like a Goy? Even since biblical times, the Jew favored a boy like Isaac’s son, Jacob, who was thin and frail, but devoted to Hebrew learning, compared with Jacob’s twin brother Esau, the hunter, who was tall and muscular. The concept of the willowy, thin scholarly youth was for a long time, the ideal “chosen” and much more desirable for one’s daughter than the brawny and less studious boy.

Now, just a few comments about the origins of the Sephardim and Ashkenazim sub-groups. After the revolt of 70 A.D., when the Romans expelled the Jews from their biblical land, some went toward Europe to already existing Jewish communities made up of merchants, tradesmen, and refugees from previous persecutions, as for example the land of Khazara. So, the communities of Europe are called Ashkenazis, probably by the German Jews. The Sephardim get their name from the Hebrew word for Spain, Sephard. Jews also took refuge in Arab lands and Egypt. There were actually Jewish cities in North Africa, even before the expulsion. The Arabs welcomed the Jews, at that time, until they rejected Mohammed as a prophet in the 7th century. Until that point, the Arabs considered the Jew a cousin, having the same ancestry. The Arabs claimed their descent from Ishmael who was Father Abraham’s son with his concubine Hagar.

When Islam began the conquest of the world and conquered Northern Africa under the leadership of Hannibal and crossed into Spain, the Jews went with them. There, for 500 years, they enjoyed rich and productive lives. They served in the royal courts of Spain and reached great cultural achievements. It was their “Golden Age,” until the 15th Century.

In 1492, during the Spanish Inquisition, they were expelled from Spain unless they would convert to Catholicism. Some did and became known as the Marranos. To prove they did convert, they had to eat pig. (Marrano is the Spanish word for “swine”). Secretly they practiced Judaism. The prayer “Kol Nidre” was written for them, who under great pressure sinned against God. They were to be forgiven. Again, Jews were slaughtered, and again, they had to flee. Many were welcomed in Arab lands. Others went to Holland, England, Germany, Austria, and France.

The question persists: Are the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe, really descended from the Khazar people?

This is a great and puzzling question that has yet to be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction. What happens to Anti-Semitism if Jews are not really Semites at all?

One more thing has to be said.

The author, Arthur Koestler, wanted to make it very clear that these findings do in no way imply that the State of Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish Homeland. The right to exist is not based on the origin of the Jewish people. The decision is based on international law. The United Nations decided this in 1947.

Whether the chromosomes of its people contain genes of Khazar, Semite, Roman or Spanish origin, is not relevant and cannot affect Israel’s right to exist. There is no such thing as a pure bloodline. No race in the world can claim such distinction, and neither can the Hebrews. Our own patriarchs set many examples of intermarriage. Father Abraham cohabitated with Hagar, an Egyptian. Joseph married Asentha, a daughter of an Egyptian priest. Moses marries Zipporah, a Midianite. King David’s mother was a Moabite. King Solomon’s mother was a Hittite. Samson, a hero, was a Philistine.

You can readily see the Jews are a hybridized bloodline. So, of course, are the populations of most historic nations. It makes no difference that racial purity was not preserved. Yassir Arafat’s statement that East European Jewry does not have the “Right of Return” to live in Israel because they might be descended from the Khazars has absolutely no validity. Israel has acquired a genuine national identity and therefore all Jews, regardless of their origin, their looks, or bloodline, have the “Right of Return”.

I am beginning to wonder why my eyes are blue. You may wonder why your nose is small. Don’t let it bother you!

“Am Israel Chai!”

May the state of Israel live forever!

Meyer Levin
Post Posted:
Mon 19 Mar, 2007 9:03 pm
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Age: 79
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Post subject: THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE Reply with quote  

Thanks ????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬????????The????????????????????????????¢?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¬?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¢ for this post.

This Article was very enlightening.

The similarity between Kashmir & Casmir (in King of Casmir) above is quite intriguing.

Thanks for reinforcing my knowledge on the same subject.


Posted By Friend Of Islam, New Delhi
Post Posted:
Tue 20 Mar, 2007 6:10 pm
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Age: 111
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hindi wrote:
Thanks ‘The’ for this post.

# netime, bro! (-:

This Article was very enlightening.

# nice (-:

The similarity between Kashmir & Casmir (in King of Casmir) above is quite intriguing.

# what's the similarity? (-:

Thanks for reinforcing my knowledge on the same subject.

# netime, buddy! (-:
Post Posted:
Thu 22 Mar, 2007 8:30 pm
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Age: 39

Zodiac: Aries
Joined: Mar 17, 2011

Posts: 5

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In 1492, during the Spanish Inquisition, they were expelled from Spain unless they would convert to Catholicism. Some did and became known as the Marranos. To prove they did convert, they had to eat pig. (Marrano is the Spanish word for ???????????????¢??swine???????????????¢????????????????). Secretly they practiced Judaism. The prayer ???????????????¢??Kol Nidre???????????????¢???????????????? was written for them, who under great pressure sinned against God. They were to be forgiven. Again, Jews were slaughtered, and again, they had to flee. Many were welcomed in Arab lands. Others went to Holland, England, Germany, Austria, and France.

The question persists: Are the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe, really descended from the Khazar people?

This is a great and puzzling question that has yet to be resolved to everyone???????????????¢??s satisfaction. What happens to Anti-Semitism if Jews are not really Semites at all?

One more thing has to be said.

The author, Arthur Koestler, wanted to make it very clear that these findings do in no way imply that the State of Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish Homeland. The right to exist is not based on the origin of the Jewish people. The decision is based on international law. The United Nations decided this in 1947.

Whether the chromosomes of its people contain genes of Khazar, Semite, Roman or Spanish origin, is not relevant and cannot affect Israel???????????????¢??s right to exist. There is no such thing as a pure bloodline. No race in the world can claim such distinction, and neither can the Hebrews. Our own patriarchs set many examples of intermarriage. Father Abraham cohabitated with Hagar, an Egyptian. Joseph married Asentha, a daughter of an Egyptian priest. Moses marries Zipporah, a Midianite. King David???????????????¢??s mother was a Moabite. King Solomon???????????????¢??s mother was a Hittite. Samson, a hero, was a Philistine.

You can readily see the Jews are a hybridized bloodline. So, of course, are the populations of most historic nations. It makes no difference that racial purity was not preserved. Yassir Arafat???????????????¢??s statement that East European Jewry does not have the ???????????????¢??Right of Return???????????????¢???????????????? to live in Israel because they might be descended from the Khazars has absolutely no validity. Israel has acquired a genuine national identity and therefore all Jews, regardless of their origin, their looks, or bloodline, have the ???????????????¢??Right of Return???????????????¢????????????????.

I am beginning to wonder why my eyes are blue. You may wonder why your nose is small. Don???????????????¢??t let it bother you!

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Post Posted:
Fri 18 Mar, 2011 4:52 pm
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